
Electrical engineers work on the frontiers of technological change—especially at 韦德体育app官网.

Our electrical engineering degree provides you with one-of-a-kind opportunities to gain hands-on experience in nanotechnology, 无线系统, 微电子学, 可再生能源, and other cutting-edge electrical engineering applications. 韦德体育app官网 has active partnerships with global industrial leaders in Southeast Michigan’s “Automation Alley,” giving you access to unique electrical engineering internships and research collaborations. You’ll learn from nationally prominent faculty and work in state-of-the-art electrical engineering labs, building practical skills that give you an edge in the electrical engineering job market. Our electrical engineering degree has an excellent reputation in the industry, so you’ll begin your career with a head start on the competition for electrical engineering jobs. The electrical engineering degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Our electrical engineering degree provides you with one-of-a-kind opportunities to gain hands-on experience in nanotechnology, 无线系统, 微电子学, 可再生能源, and other cutting-edge electrical engineering applications. 韦德体育app官网 has active partnerships with global industrial leaders in Southeast Michigan’s “Automation Alley,” giving you access to unique electrical engineering internships and research collaborations. You’ll learn from nationally prominent faculty and work in state-of-the-art electrical engineering labs, building practical skills that give you an edge in the electrical engineering job market. Our electrical engineering degree has an excellent reputation in the industry, so you’ll begin your career with a head start on the competition for electrical engineering jobs. The electrical engineering degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

电气工程 Degree: The 韦德体育app官网 Advantage

Some of the most exciting innovations in electrical engineering are being developed right in 韦德体育app官网’s backyard. Our electrical engineering degree gets you out of the classroom and into Southeast Michigan’s labs, 设计中心, 还有原型设备. You’ll have exceptional opportunities for electrical engineering internships in automotive, 能源, 卫生保健, 机器人, 消费电子产品, 以及其他高科技行业. These experiences often lead to electrical engineering job offers.

In addition, our electrical engineering degree stands out for its:

  • 世界级的设施. Our electrical engineering labs feature the same specialized technology that’s used in industry. On-campus centers such as the Applied Electromagnetics and Wireless Laboratory and Microelectromechanical Systems Laboratory provide you with hands-on exposure to the most advanced electrical engineering technology.
  • 本科生研究机会. You won’t have to wait until graduate school to get involved with cutting-edge research, coauthor a research paper for an academic journal, or present your work at a professional conference. 韦德体育app官网’s electrical engineering faculty routinely assign meaningful research roles to undergraduates. You’ll also build research skills via project-based assignments in the regular electrical engineering curriculum.
  • 优秀教师. Our electrical engineering program is led by some of the nation’s foremost authorities. You’ll learn from industry experts in small classes, enabling you to build real relationships that maximize your academic and career growth.
  • 应用重点. Employers value practical skills combined with theoretical knowledge. Our electrical engineering program equips you with a professional toolkit that’s designed to get results. 你会擅长解决问题, 团队合作, 跨学科合作, 还有时间安排和设计预算.
  • 行业合作伙伴. Some of the biggest players in global industry help to fund our research and train our electrical engineering majors. Our partners and advisers include heavyweights such as Daimler Chrysler, 索尼, 通用动力公司, 福特, 终端设备的能源, 日立, 李尔公司.

What can you do with an 电气工程 Degree?


A career in electrical engineering paves the way to attractive entry-level positions and opportunities for entrepreneurship. Electrical engineer salaries average close to $100,000 per year, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. Michigan ranks 4th among the states in electrical engineering job opportunities, and 2nd in electrical engineering jobs per capita.

韦德体育app官网 graduates commonly find electrical engineering jobs in fields such as:

  • 消费电子产品
  • 机器人
  • 汽车
  • 计算机硬件
  • 能源
  • 制造业
  • 通信
  • 航空航天

电气工程 Degree: What You’ll Study

Our electrical engineering degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. You’ll take fundamental coursework in calculus and physics, with a professional engineering core that covers subjects such as:

  • 模拟和数字电路
  • 通信
  • 电脑
  • 电磁铁
  • 电子(包括VLSI系统)
  • 电子设备
  • 电力系统
  • 数字逻辑
  • 计算机辅助设计(CAD)

你也可以选择机器人的选修课, 计算机硬件和软件, 电力系统, 通信, 还有其他科目. The electrical engineering degree concludes with a senior design project.